C + D

Meet Courtney + Drew! The amount of love that was felt + shared on their wedding day was truly something so special. We could feel how deeply they adored one another + how eager they were to spend the rest of their lives with each other!

Here’s their love story - “Our story is classic tale of meeting on a dating app! Never in a million years would I have thought I would meet my future husband on an app. God had something special up his sleeve!!! After two weeks of conversation, we met for drinks and the rest is history. Little did we know that about a week after our first date, COVID-19 would rock our world and for the next several months, our dates consisted of long walks, dinner and movies at home, and lots and lots of conversation. The craziest thing about early on in our relationship, was that my (Courtney's) brother was getting married in June of 2020. But, as with the rest of the engaged couples during this time, their wedding plans went from Plan A to Plan B and landed at Plan C - an intimate, family-only wedding at a beautiful AirBnb on the water in Stockholm, Wisconsin. I decided to invite Drew, only three months into knowing him, to fly together to Wisconsin and spend a weekend at the most intimate wedding experience either of us have been a part of. After surviving 72 hours with my family...I knew he was the one!! It was such a special and pivotal weekend in our relationship. We have been in love ever since!”

What drew C + D to choosing The Emerson for their best day - “A big part of what drew us to the Emerson was wanting a venue that felt like "home". We want our family + friends to feel comfortable and create an intimate atmosphere for our guests. The intimacy of the chapel paired with the homey feeling within the reception space matched exactly what we were looking for. On top of all of the physical elements, every single person that works at The Emerson exuded so much joy and love when we first visited that I knew this place was special!”

Congratulations again to The Hunnicutts! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your BEST DAY EVER! You two were so incredibly easy to love + celebrate! Another thank you goes to the vendors who made this dream day happen! Be sure to check out the whole team below! You can also find how C + D styled their CL Rentals!




D + C


H + D