B + A

Meet Bailey + Alex! On a Thursday afternoon in September, these two lovebirds tied the knot in front of their very closest friends + family! They sprinkled so many sweet details into their wedding day. A big thank you goes to Destiny Brinkman for capturing every moment so beautifully!

Here’s their love story - “Alex and I met in 2018 during flight attendant training in Salt Lake City. From the moment we met, we were like two peas in a pod. After training ended, we decided to ditch the states and head for an all-inclusive resort in in Mexico for our first official date outside of training. Talk about a wild start! After endless tequila shots and very sunburnt skin we couldn't help but fall head over heels for each other. From that point on it was non-stop adventure for us. We've explored the world together, moved to three different states together, and along the way we welcomed our furry little companion RJ into our lives. We continue to embrace the thrill of life, making memories, and laughing our way through this crazy journey called love.”

Here are some of the things B + A are looking forward to in marriage - “Having kids, getting more wiener dogs (HAHAHAH) anddddd getting to spend the rest of our lives together!! Although it's not always sunshine and rainbows, we get to grow together and that's one of the most beautiful things in life.”

Congratulations again, B + A! We hope that marriage has been marked by so much joy + adventure! We cannot wait to see all the fun journeys you continue to embark on together! Thank you for choosing The Emerson to be a part of your big day! We are SO grateful! Be sure to check out the insanely talented vendors below!




K + E


M + M