A + A

Meet Ally + Armando! They completely lit up our space from the moment they stepped foot on the property! You know the saying “you’re so easy to celebrate”?! We think that quote originated from celebrating people like A + A! They’re adorable + kind and we fell head over heels for them right when we met them for the first time on their tour!

Here’s their love story - “It was love at first sight... truly. We met one warm June Sunday night at a dinner with mutual friends after church. We quickly struck up conversation about Jesus, missions, and having a real relationship with the Holy Spirit, and after two hours of this, we realized we were sitting at a table with about eight other people!! LOL. After that night, I (Ally) knew I had a persistent heart sparkle for this wild, exciting, and very smiley boy. Yes this is true, I (Armando) had just arrived in Dallas, and knew there was something different about this woman Ally Long. However, even if our love story began at first sight, it was not until a year later that it did kick off. When I couldn't stop thinking about her I knew I had to take a step in asking her on a date, and nervous as all get out, I decided to FaceTime her instead of waiting a day longer and ask her on a date. The rest is history. Since then we have been growing together in love and learning how to love Jesus together. With I (Ally), working the night shift as an emergency nurse, and Mando working two jobs, we have learned balance and how to prefer and serve the other... and we are just getting started. Fast forward to March 27th when we decided to step into the realm of engagement and the road to marriage. I (Armando), asked Ally to marry me, and she said "I would love to!"

Congratulations again, A + A! Your joy is completely infectious + we hope that marriage has been so FUN! We adore you both + cannot wait to see all the beautiful things in store for your life together! Another thank you goes to all the vendors who executed the details + made this sweet day happen! Each + every one of you added so much value to the day. Be sure to check everyone out below along with all the rentals A + A chose from CL x EMERSON!




O + J


L + M