T + H

Meet Tommy + Hannah! We fell in love with them the moment they stepped foot onto our property for their tour. Their presence carried so much peace + joy! We felt so incredibly honored whenever they decided to get married in our space!

Here’s their love story - “Hannah and I were set up on a blind date from a couple who is a few years older than us that knew us both, but we had never met or heard of each other before then. While in a Monday afternoon class, I reached out to this stranger to ask if she would be interested in going to an organization date event, and she said yes! That evening I picked her up to take her to potentially the most impactful zumba class of all time with 90 of my closest friends and their dates! After a sweaty start, we met a few more times to figure out if this would work out and really get to know each other and really started to build quite an awesome relationship. However, after about 4 months, we took what (to me) was an indefinite break from February 2020 until October 2020. If you didn't realize it yet, we had broken up only a few weeks prior to the pandemic. This was --hindsight-- the Lord's plan all along , because it gave us (me) the chance to really dive deeper into my relationship and reliance on God that I unknowingly needed. But after a short 8 months, Hannah found her way back into my life. By the fall semester of my senior year, she and I had both moved houses and started fresh with new roommates and were adjusting to online-only college classes. A close friend of mine and I had a brilliant idea to do all of our online classes outside, but we needed our own space to do that so we wouldn't have to drive somewhere and fight others for a good spot. This led to our picnic table, which we built and placed underneath a tree in his yard. What I didn't know was that Hannah's new house down the street had a perfectly clear view from her bedroom window of our daily spot. In her words, I was taunting her. After convening there every morning for hours of zoom lectures for about a month, Hannah had enough. As she was walking back from the park one day with her blanket and book in hand, she passed right by me sitting alone at the picnic table -- for probably the first time since building the thing. She walked all the way back to her front door, stopped for a moment, and turned right back around. She saw her opportunity and took it. As she walks straight toward me, for what I thought was just a simple hello, I never could have imagined what she had planned. After a short catch-up, it was clear that her intentions were to try this thing again. With lots of prayer and lots of excitement, we had decided to give it a shot, and we have been together ever since. Our wedding will mark almost three years since that afternoon at the picnic table, and I think we both knew in that moment that there was something truly powerful about what God was going to do.”

What drew T + H to choosing The Emerson for their best day - “Hannah has some of the best taste when it comes to this sort of thing. She has always had an eye for simple beauty and finding elegance in subtle ways, and she fell in LOVE with The Emerson. And do not take it lightly when I say that she has successfully researched every wedding venue in the state of Texas. I am a designer with a degree in architecture, so when Hannah showed me photos of The Emerson and the truly charming space that it is, I was thrilled. It is exactly what we were both picturing when we imagined our big day.”

Congratulations again T + H! We hope that marriage has been so special and joy-filled! We are always here praying + rooting for you guys as you continue to journey through marriage. We love you guys! Thank you for choosing us to be a part of your big day! Another big thank you goes to all the family, friends, and vendors who executed all the details of this sweet summer wedding!






C + B


C + D