T + C

Meet Taylor + Chase! When we heard their love story, tears honestly filled our eyes and we had major chills. Their love + adoration for one another is just so apparent! Being a part of such a special day in their life together was an absolute honor.

Here’s their story –

“We met the summer after our freshman year at TCU. We both decided to spend our summer on the beach with our student ministry. We spent time together in large groups this summer but deepened our connection the following semester. As we spent more and more time with each other back on campus we realized we had a special connection. Chase always knew how to make me smile and would do anything to make me laugh. Our friends started to catch on quickly that there were sparks flying between us. I (Chase) thought Taylor was gorgeous, impossibly kind, and authentic. I never wanted our time to stop when we were together. Although we weren’t actively pursuing a relationship at the time, we naturally fell into love. That’s why I think our relationship is so special. We weren’t (at the time) actively creating time together, but we couldn’t help but end up in the same place at the same time and enjoy each other. As our sophomore year at TCU began I (Taylor) couldn’t help but notice this curly headed, enthusiastic guy that seemed to be wherever I was. Chase and I spent many hours studying, but we mainly just laughed and told stories all day. Yes, I was crushing on Chase, but it wasn’t only because of the way he made me laugh. I noticed how on fire his heart was for the Lord. Chase almost always brought up a conversation about what he was learning about God, and I saw him continually meet up with guys to tell them about Jesus. Eventually, Chase finally took the opportunity to ask me out on our first date. He took me on a perfectly imperfect date. After a stop at one of our favorite Fort Worth coffee shops, we found ourselves on a drizzly day at the Fort Worth Zoo. The rain wasn’t going to get in the way of this date. Under the cover of an umbrella, we walked through every exhibit, barely paying attention to the animals, and completely lost track of time. As we fell deeper and deeper and deeper into love, I (Chase), quickly realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Taylor. A summer in different cities led me to be certain that life with Taylor was better than life without her. I decided right then that I was going to ask her to be my wife and spend the rest of our lives together reflecting Christ’s love for us through our love for each other. Long story short, she said yes on November 1st , 2020. We pray that our marriage depicts the gospel, as we depend on Christ to treat one another with grace, patience, and an active, Christ-powered love. We will continue to love each other because He first loved us.”

We count ourselves so incredibly lucky that we get to witness firsthand so many special, monumental days in couples’ lives. We love getting feedback on what drew them to choosing The Emerson for their wedding day! Here’s what T had to say – “We honestly never had a specific “dream venue” or “wedding style.” I knew I wanted our wedding day to represent us and was looking for a venue that felt like us! Once I toured the Emerson, I then found my dream venue! The modern, classy, simple, and unique vibe all wrapped into one was perfect. Unfortunately, Chase did not get to tour with me that day, but I immediately called him after and was like “Babe we have to get married here.” Chase agreed and didn’t ever see The Emerson until our wedding day!! He said it was more beautiful than he ever imagined!”

It’s no surprise that wedding days carry so many precious moments that our couples’ want to stow away forever. One of our favorite questions that we love to ask our couples after their wedding day is which moments stuck out the most to them – “Gosh it is so hard to choose a favorite part of the day as everything was so special. However, one of my favorite parts has to be the memory of walking down the aisle in the beautiful chapel with my Dad as I stared down at Chase on the other side. It is a moment I will never forget. We packed as many people as we possibly could in the precious chapel, and this is something I would do again and again. I looked around and saw so many friends and family that mean so much to Chase and I.”

Here’s T’s advice to all those who are planning now – “The engagement season can feel so stressful and like you always have something to plan or do. My biggest advice is to take time to emphasize your relationship over all of the logistics of the wedding. Planning can be so fun, but it is easy for it to take over your life. Plan date nights and time to just hang out with each other through the exciting season! Marriage is the best and it is so fun to prepare and anticipate it during engagement.”

Cheers to The Blalocks! Congratulations again, you two! We loved being a part of your BEST DAY EVER! Thank you for choosing us. Your wedding was so incredibly special + we cannot wait to see what this new season of marriage holds for you. Another special thank you goes to Jenna Marie Co. for these beautiful photos that allow us to relive this special day over + over again! Come back to E soon! Check out the rest of the wonderful vendors below – 






C + G


A + R