B + G

Meet Bailey + Grayson! We audibly gasped whenever we received their gallery from Chandler J Photo! She captured B + G beautifully and we are in love with all the details from their big day! I mean have you ever seen a more photogenic couple!? We couldn’t have hoped for a more perfect day! We’ll be swooning over this wedding for the foreseeable future!

Here’s their love story - “Bailey and Grayson both went to Criswell Elementary and were in the same 1st grade class. The next year Bailey moved across town and their paths did not cross again until they both attended Warren Middle School. It was not until high school started that Bailey and Grayson became good friends. They shared many of the same classes over these four years, spent many weekends hanging out with friends in the Curry Barn, and their relationship grew stronger. It wasn't until Senior year the two admitted they had feelings for each other but decided to go their separate ways since they were attending college. Bailey was at Stephen F Austin, and Grayson at A&M, and in 2019 a shared Snapchat memory restarted the conversation. They started dating shortly after and drove back and forth from Nacogdoches to College Station often. They both graduated in 2020 and moved back home to Dallas. They loved their time living in Dallas, spending time with friends, going to Dallas Stars games, and enjoyed making their first town house together, a home. On August 5th 2022, Grayson took Bailey to a "birthday" dinner, where they were able to fly over Dallas and see the skyline. After the flight, Grayson proposed with a huge "Marry Me" in big lights, and of course Bailey said yes. Earlier this year, Bailey and Grayson moved to Tucson, Arizona for new job opportunities and to start their lives together.”

Congratulations again, B + G! Thank you so much for choosing The Emerson to play a small part in your big day! We loved having the opportunity to celebrate you + we cannot wait to see all the beautiful things in store for your marriage! Another big thank you goes to the whole vendor team - we are so grateful for how well you served B + G on their best day! Be sure to check everyone out below along with all the CL x EMERSON rentals used!




T + R


P + C